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Loubier, Patrice. "Remonter l’image, descendre le temps. La reconstitution comme savoir chez Klaus Scherübel / Pulling Up the Image, Going Back in Time: Reconstitution as Knowledge in Klaus Scherübel’s Work." esse arts + opinions, number 98, winter 2020, p. 46–53.
Loubier, P. (2020). Remonter l’image, descendre le temps. La reconstitution comme savoir chez Klaus Scherübel / Pulling Up the Image, Going Back in Time: Reconstitution as Knowledge in Klaus Scherübel’s Work. esse arts + opinions, (98), 46–53.
- Chicago
Loubier, Patrice "Remonter l’image, descendre le temps. La reconstitution comme savoir chez Klaus Scherübel / Pulling Up the Image, Going Back in Time: Reconstitution as Knowledge in Klaus Scherübel’s Work". esse arts + opinions no. 98 (2020) : 46–53.
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