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Williamson, Andrea. "Invisible as One and Many: The Mirror Drawings of Anthea Black and Thea Yabut / Invisibilité individuelle et collective : les dessins-miroirs de Anthea Black et Thea Yabut." esse arts + opinions, number 91, fall 2017, p. 34–41.
Williamson, A. (2017). Invisible as One and Many: The Mirror Drawings of Anthea Black and Thea Yabut / Invisibilité individuelle et collective : les dessins-miroirs de Anthea Black et Thea Yabut. esse arts + opinions, (91), 34–41.
- Chicago
Williamson, Andrea "Invisible as One and Many: The Mirror Drawings of Anthea Black and Thea Yabut / Invisibilité individuelle et collective : les dessins-miroirs de Anthea Black et Thea Yabut". esse arts + opinions no. 91 (2017) : 34–41.
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