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Rosamond, Emily. "Leçon de choses : au sujet de Learning about Cars and Chocolates, de David Askevold / Object Lessons: David Askevold’s Learning about Cars and Chocolates." esse arts + opinions, number 75, spring–summer 2012, p. 30–33.
Rosamond, E. (2012). Leçon de choses : au sujet de Learning about Cars and Chocolates, de David Askevold / Object Lessons: David Askevold’s Learning about Cars and Chocolates. esse arts + opinions, (75), 30–33.
- Chicago
Rosamond, Emily "Leçon de choses : au sujet de Learning about Cars and Chocolates, de David Askevold / Object Lessons: David Askevold’s Learning about Cars and Chocolates". esse arts + opinions no. 75 (2012) : 30–33.
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