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Bessai, Margaret. "Lalie Douglas: All is not as it seems, Part II: The Corner of Your Eye / Lalie Douglas: All is not as it seems, Part II: The Corner of Your Eye, Neutral Ground Artist Run Centre and Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan Residency, dates: August 5 - 25, 2011 Exhibition dates: August 20 - September 24, 2011." Espace Sculpture, number 99, spring 2012, p. 44–45.
Bessai, M. (2012). Review of [Lalie Douglas: All is not as it seems, Part II: The Corner of Your Eye / Lalie Douglas: All is not as it seems, Part II: The Corner of Your Eye, Neutral Ground Artist Run Centre and Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan Residency, dates: August 5 - 25, 2011 Exhibition dates: August 20 - September 24, 2011]. Espace Sculpture, (99), 44–45.
- Chicago
Bessai, Margaret "Lalie Douglas: All is not as it seems, Part II: The Corner of Your Eye / Lalie Douglas: All is not as it seems, Part II: The Corner of Your Eye, Neutral Ground Artist Run Centre and Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan Residency, dates: August 5 - 25, 2011 Exhibition dates: August 20 - September 24, 2011". Espace Sculpture no. 99 (2012) : 44–45.
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