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Mouralis, Bernard. "THOMAS (Martin), ed., The French Colonial Mind. Vol. I : Mental Maps of Empire and Colonial Encounters. Vol. II : Violence, Military Encounters, and Colonialism. Lincoln and London : University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XLVII-372 p. et LIII-384 p. – ISBN 978-0-8032-3815-2." Études littéraires africaines, number 37, 2014, p. 231–234.
Mouralis, B. (2014). Review of [THOMAS (Martin), ed., The French Colonial Mind. Vol. I : Mental Maps of Empire and Colonial Encounters. Vol. II : Violence, Military Encounters, and Colonialism. Lincoln and London : University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XLVII-372 p. et LIII-384 p. – ISBN 978-0-8032-3815-2]. Études littéraires africaines, (37), 231–234.
- Chicago
Mouralis, Bernard "THOMAS (Martin), ed., The French Colonial Mind. Vol. I : Mental Maps of Empire and Colonial Encounters. Vol. II : Violence, Military Encounters, and Colonialism. Lincoln and London : University of Nebraska Press, 2011, XLVII-372 p. et LIII-384 p. – ISBN 978-0-8032-3815-2". Études littéraires africaines no. 37 (2014) : 231–234.
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