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Ricard, Alain. "BARBER (Karin), Print Culture and the First Yoruba Novel : I.B. Thomas’s Life Story of Me, Segilola, and other Texts. Edited, translated and with an introduction by Karin Barber. Leiden / Boston : Brill Academic Publishers, coll. African Sources for African History, vol. 12, 2012, xviii-408 p. – ISBN 978-900-422915-0." Études littéraires africaines, number 35, 2013, p. 149–151.
Ricard, A. (2013). Review of [BARBER (Karin), Print Culture and the First Yoruba Novel : I.B. Thomas’s Life Story of Me, Segilola, and other Texts. Edited, translated and with an introduction by Karin Barber. Leiden / Boston : Brill Academic Publishers, coll. African Sources for African History, vol. 12, 2012, xviii-408 p. – ISBN 978-900-422915-0]. Études littéraires africaines, (35), 149–151.
- Chicago
Ricard, Alain "BARBER (Karin), Print Culture and the First Yoruba Novel : I.B. Thomas’s Life Story of Me, Segilola, and other Texts. Edited, translated and with an introduction by Karin Barber. Leiden / Boston : Brill Academic Publishers, coll. African Sources for African History, vol. 12, 2012, xviii-408 p. – ISBN 978-900-422915-0". Études littéraires africaines no. 35 (2013) : 149–151.
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