Études littéraires africaines

Managing editor(s): Pierre Halen / Editor(s): Ninon Chavoz (Rédactrice en chef), Céline Gahungu (Responsable des varias), Alice Chaudemanche (Responsable des varias), Maëline Le Lay (Ouvrages pour compte rendu)


Études Littératures Africaines is a peer-reviewed periodical. As it enjoys an international readership the journal publishes articles in French and in English.

It is published by the Association pour l’Etudes des Littératures Africaines (APELA), a non-profit making association (law of 1901) founded in September 1983 by a group of researchers who gathered together to further the study of different fields of African literatures and their critical approaches. 

This bi-annual journal appears regularly since 1996. The contents of each issue have been gradually changed since the Nr 13, quantitatevely as well as qualtitatively, to comply with international standards of a sientific periodical.

The statutes of the association stipulate that it is independent from political institutions. Its aim is to serve as a forum for scholarly encounters and exchanges irrespective of academic disciplinary divisions and free from official patronage. It also intends to publicize and establish links between all the literary productions – whether oral or written – coming from the African continent in its broadest sense, including Arabic-speaking, Portuguese-speaking, French-speaking and English-speaking African countries, along with literatures in African languages and those of the black diaspora worldwide.

Since 2009 Etudes Littéraires Africaines has been published in association with the research centre ECRITURES (EA 3943) at the University of Lorraine (Metz campus). Since 2013 it has enjoyed the support of LAM, “Les Afriques dans le Monde” (UMR 5115), a research team attached to the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), and of the University of Bordeaux.


Contact details

The issues of the journal can be accessed  via the Erudit platform at http://ela.erudit.org/

Inquiries related to APELA are available at: http://www.apela.fr/ as well as on the association’s research notebook at : https://apela.hypotheses.org/

Administration :

Centre "Ecritures"
UFR Lettres et langues
Université de Lorraine - UFR ALL
Ile du Saulcy
F - 57045 Metz cedex 1


Editorial Contact Information

Editor :

Xavier Garnier


A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal: pierre.halen@univ-lorraine.fr

Print version subscription: the printed version of the journal is mailed to the members of the association and to other subscribers. Information on the printed version is available at http://www.apela.fr/la-revue/sabonner-aux-ela/

Back issues (57 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Editorial policy.

Each issue of Etudes Littéraires Africaines carries the following features:

  • Thematic clusters of unpublished articles bearing on specific issues, works or authors.
  • A section entitled « A propos de… » which reports on contemporary debates on African literatures, or offers divergent views on significant works which have been recently published
  • Varias: unpublished essays on various topics, unpublished documents.
  • Book reviews (or short bibliographical notes) of critical or theoretical works
  • Once a year it features a list of defended theses in the field of African studies 

Assessment procedures for submissions.

The papers sent for publication are first internally assessed by the editorial board which decides whether it is eligible for publication. They are then peer-reviewed by an external reading committee. Publication may be conditional if modifications are needed. In the case of a refusal the authors always receive a synthetic report which summarizes the reading committee’s remarks. Book reviews and contributions to the « A propos » section are not peer-reviewed but assessed by the Editorial Board only.

Copyright. The French legislation applies. The author retains the moral right to his text but exclusively cedes the publication rights to the journal which subsequently puts it online on the ERUDIT platform.

The perennial storing of Etudes Littéraires Africaines is entrusted to Portico.

Guidelines for submission. A writing style guide is available at http://www.apela.fr/la-revue/publier-dans-les-ela/

Policy on plagiarism.

Etudes Littéraires Africaines is committed to ensuring the protection of copyrights. Accordingly, the journal is determined to take action against plagiarism and attentively supervises the use of authors’ quotations. Please refer to “Guidelines for authors” on the policy of how to use authors’ quotations. Self-plagiarism is included in the definition of plagiarism. Prior to publication, the journal ensures that all the necessary corrections are made. If this is not done, the article is rejected.

Information for contributors


Editorial board

Editorial team.

Director : Professor Pierre Halen (Université de Lorraine)

Editorial Board:

  • Editor: Professor Xavier Garnier (Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle)
  • Varias: Nicolas Martin-Granel (ITEM, Paris)
  • Thematic clusters : Nathalie Carré (INALCO) & Mathilde Rogez (Un. of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès)
  • Book reviews: Maëline Le Lay (LAM / UMR 5115 - Bordeaux)

Other members of the editorial board:

  • Elara Bertho (CNRS)
  • Ninon Chavoz (PhD student, Paris 3)
  • Daniel Delas (Professor Emeritus Cergy-Pontoise)
  • Dr Pierre Leroux (docteur)
  • Dr Tristran Leperlier (docteur)
  • Professor Anthony Mangeon (Un. of Strasbourg)
  • Florence Paravy (Un. of Nanterre)

Scientific committee

  • Maria-Benedita Basto (Univ. Paris IV)
  • Adama Coulibaly (Univ. F. Houphouët-Boigny)
  • Claire Ducournau (Univ. of Montpellier 3)
  • Robert Fotsing (Univ. de Dschang)
  • Pierre-Philippe Fraiture (Univ. of Warwick)
  • Susanne Gehrmann (Humboldt Univ. zu Berlin)
  • Kasereka Kavwahirehi (Univ. of Ottawa)
  • Lydie Moudileno (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Silvia Riva (Università degli Studi di Milano)
  • Phyllis Taoua (University of Arizona)
  • Ieme Van Der Poel (Univ. van Amsterdam)