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Cosset, Jean-Claude. "Lessard, Donald R. and Williamson, John (Ed.) Capital Flight and Third World Debt. Washington (D.C.), Institute for International Economics, 1987, 271 p. / Lessard, Donald R. and Williamson, John (Ed.) Capital Flight : The Problem and Policy Responses. Washington (D.C.), Institute for International Economics, Coll. « Policy Analyses in International Economics, no. 23 », 1987, 77 p." Études internationales, volume 20, number 2, 1989, p. 441–443.
Cosset, J.-C. (1989). Review of [Lessard, Donald R. and Williamson, John (Ed.) Capital Flight and Third World Debt. Washington (D.C.), Institute for International Economics, 1987, 271 p. / Lessard, Donald R. and Williamson, John (Ed.) Capital Flight : The Problem and Policy Responses. Washington (D.C.), Institute for International Economics, Coll. « Policy Analyses in International Economics, no. 23 », 1987, 77 p.] Études internationales, 20(2), 441–443.
- Chicago
Cosset, Jean-Claude "Lessard, Donald R. and Williamson, John (Ed.) Capital Flight and Third World Debt. Washington (D.C.), Institute for International Economics, 1987, 271 p. / Lessard, Donald R. and Williamson, John (Ed.) Capital Flight : The Problem and Policy Responses. Washington (D.C.), Institute for International Economics, Coll. « Policy Analyses in International Economics, no. 23 », 1987, 77 p.". Études internationales 20, no. 2 (1989) : 441–443.
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