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Comtois, Claude. "Hosier, Richard, Energy Use in Rural Kenya : Household Demand and Rural Transformation. Uppsala (Sweden)-Stockholm, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies – The Beijer Institute, Coll. « Energy, Environment and Development in Africa », no. 7, 1985, 191 p. / Raskin, Paul D. Leap: A Description of the LDC Energy Alternatives Planning System. Uppsala (Sweden)-Stockholm, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies – The Beijer Institute, Coll. « Energy, Environment and Development in Africa », no. 8, 1986, 153 p.;." Études internationales, volume 18, number 4, 1987, p. 897–899.
Comtois, C. (1987). Review of [Hosier, Richard, Energy Use in Rural Kenya : Household Demand and Rural Transformation. Uppsala (Sweden)-Stockholm, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies – The Beijer Institute, Coll. « Energy, Environment and Development in Africa », no. 7, 1985, 191 p. / Raskin, Paul D. Leap: A Description of the LDC Energy Alternatives Planning System. Uppsala (Sweden)-Stockholm, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies – The Beijer Institute, Coll. « Energy, Environment and Development in Africa », no. 8, 1986, 153 p.;]. Études internationales, 18(4), 897–899.
- Chicago
Comtois, Claude "Hosier, Richard, Energy Use in Rural Kenya : Household Demand and Rural Transformation. Uppsala (Sweden)-Stockholm, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies – The Beijer Institute, Coll. « Energy, Environment and Development in Africa », no. 7, 1985, 191 p. / Raskin, Paul D. Leap: A Description of the LDC Energy Alternatives Planning System. Uppsala (Sweden)-Stockholm, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies – The Beijer Institute, Coll. « Energy, Environment and Development in Africa », no. 8, 1986, 153 p.;". Études internationales 18, no. 4 (1987) : 897–899.
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