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Babineau, Louis. "United Nations, Ocean Economics and Technology Branch, Seabed Minerals, volume 1 : Assessment of Manganese Nodule Resources. London, Graham & Trotman Ltd, Coll. « Seabed Mineral Series », 1982, 89 p. / United Nations, Ocean Economics and Technology Branch, Seabed Minerals, volume 2 : Analysis of Exploration and Mining Technology for Manganese Nodules. London, Graham & Trotman Ltd, Coll. « Seabed Mineral Series », 1984, 152 p." Études internationales, volume 18, number 3, 1987, p. 667–669.
Babineau, L. (1987). Review of [United Nations, Ocean Economics and Technology Branch, Seabed Minerals, volume 1 : Assessment of Manganese Nodule Resources. London, Graham & Trotman Ltd, Coll. « Seabed Mineral Series », 1982, 89 p. / United Nations, Ocean Economics and Technology Branch, Seabed Minerals, volume 2 : Analysis of Exploration and Mining Technology for Manganese Nodules. London, Graham & Trotman Ltd, Coll. « Seabed Mineral Series », 1984, 152 p.] Études internationales, 18(3), 667–669.
- Chicago
Babineau, Louis "United Nations, Ocean Economics and Technology Branch, Seabed Minerals, volume 1 : Assessment of Manganese Nodule Resources. London, Graham & Trotman Ltd, Coll. « Seabed Mineral Series », 1982, 89 p. / United Nations, Ocean Economics and Technology Branch, Seabed Minerals, volume 2 : Analysis of Exploration and Mining Technology for Manganese Nodules. London, Graham & Trotman Ltd, Coll. « Seabed Mineral Series », 1984, 152 p.". Études internationales 18, no. 3 (1987) : 667–669.
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