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Vandal, Gilles. "Grabendorff, Wolf et Roett, Riordan (Ed.) Latin America, Western Europe and the U.S. : Reevaluating the Atlantic Triangle. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd., Coll. « Politics in Latin America : A Hoover Institution Series », 1985, 320 p. / Haglund, David G. Latin America and the Transformation of U.S. Strategic Thought, 1936-1940. Albuquerque (N.M.), University of New Mexico Press, 1984, 288 p." Études internationales, volume 18, number 1, 1987, p. 245–247.
Vandal, G. (1987). Review of [Grabendorff, Wolf et Roett, Riordan (Ed.) Latin America, Western Europe and the U.S. : Reevaluating the Atlantic Triangle. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd., Coll. « Politics in Latin America : A Hoover Institution Series », 1985, 320 p. / Haglund, David G. Latin America and the Transformation of U.S. Strategic Thought, 1936-1940. Albuquerque (N.M.), University of New Mexico Press, 1984, 288 p.] Études internationales, 18(1), 245–247.
- Chicago
Vandal, Gilles "Grabendorff, Wolf et Roett, Riordan (Ed.) Latin America, Western Europe and the U.S. : Reevaluating the Atlantic Triangle. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada Ltd., Coll. « Politics in Latin America : A Hoover Institution Series », 1985, 320 p. / Haglund, David G. Latin America and the Transformation of U.S. Strategic Thought, 1936-1940. Albuquerque (N.M.), University of New Mexico Press, 1984, 288 p.". Études internationales 18, no. 1 (1987) : 245–247.
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