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Lavigne, Marie. "Gong, Gerrit, W., Stent, Angela E. et Strode, Rebecca W. Areas of Challenge for Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1980s. Bloomington (Ind.), Indiana University Press, Coll. « CSIS Publication Series on the Soviet Union in the 1980s », 1984, 160 p." Études internationales, volume 17, number 1, 1986, p. 223–225.
Lavigne, M. (1986). Review of [Gong, Gerrit, W., Stent, Angela E. et Strode, Rebecca W. Areas of Challenge for Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1980s. Bloomington (Ind.), Indiana University Press, Coll. « CSIS Publication Series on the Soviet Union in the 1980s », 1984, 160 p.] Études internationales, 17(1), 223–225.
- Chicago
Lavigne, Marie "Gong, Gerrit, W., Stent, Angela E. et Strode, Rebecca W. Areas of Challenge for Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1980s. Bloomington (Ind.), Indiana University Press, Coll. « CSIS Publication Series on the Soviet Union in the 1980s », 1984, 160 p.". Études internationales 17, no. 1 (1986) : 223–225.
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