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Kuczewski, André. "Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam : A History. New York, The Viking Press, 1983, xi + 752 p. / Herring, Georges C. (Éd.). The Secret Diplomacy of the Vietnam War : The Negociating Volumes of the Pentagon Papers. Austin, The University of Texas Press, 1983, xi + 873 p." Études internationales, volume 16, number 4, 1985, p. 899–901.
Kuczewski, A. (1985). Review of [Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam : A History. New York, The Viking Press, 1983, xi + 752 p. / Herring, Georges C. (Éd.). The Secret Diplomacy of the Vietnam War : The Negociating Volumes of the Pentagon Papers. Austin, The University of Texas Press, 1983, xi + 873 p.] Études internationales, 16(4), 899–901.
- Chicago
Kuczewski, André "Karnow, Stanley. Vietnam : A History. New York, The Viking Press, 1983, xi + 752 p. / Herring, Georges C. (Éd.). The Secret Diplomacy of the Vietnam War : The Negociating Volumes of the Pentagon Papers. Austin, The University of Texas Press, 1983, xi + 873 p.". Études internationales 16, no. 4 (1985) : 899–901.
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