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Duclos, Louis-Jean. "United Nations Resolutions on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : 1980. Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981, 94 p.; / Kahhaleh Subhi., The Water Problem in Israel and its repercussions in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, Coll. « IPS Papers », No 9 (E), 1981, Kubursi Atif., The Economic Consequences of the Camp David Agreements, Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981, 190 p." Études internationales, volume 14, number 1, 1983, p. 190–191.
Duclos, L.-J. (1983). Review of [United Nations Resolutions on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : 1980. Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981, 94 p.; / Kahhaleh Subhi., The Water Problem in Israel and its repercussions in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, Coll. « IPS Papers », No 9 (E), 1981, Kubursi Atif., The Economic Consequences of the Camp David Agreements, Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981, 190 p.] Études internationales, 14(1), 190–191.
- Chicago
Duclos, Louis-Jean "United Nations Resolutions on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : 1980. Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981, 94 p.; / Kahhaleh Subhi., The Water Problem in Israel and its repercussions in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, Coll. « IPS Papers », No 9 (E), 1981, Kubursi Atif., The Economic Consequences of the Camp David Agreements, Beyrouth, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981, 190 p.". Études internationales 14, no. 1 (1983) : 190–191.
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