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Artaud, Denise. "Johnson, v. Alexis et Packard, George R. (sous la direction de). The Common Security Interests of Japan, The United States and Nato. Joint Working Group of the Atlantic council of the United States and the Research Institute for Peace and Security, Tokyo). Cambridge (Mass.), Ballinger Publishing Company, 1981, 256 p." Études internationales, volume 13, number 4, 1982, p. 752–753.
Artaud, D. (1982). Review of [Johnson, v. Alexis et Packard, George R. (sous la direction de). The Common Security Interests of Japan, The United States and Nato. Joint Working Group of the Atlantic council of the United States and the Research Institute for Peace and Security, Tokyo). Cambridge (Mass.), Ballinger Publishing Company, 1981, 256 p.] Études internationales, 13(4), 752–753.
- Chicago
Artaud, Denise "Johnson, v. Alexis et Packard, George R. (sous la direction de). The Common Security Interests of Japan, The United States and Nato. Joint Working Group of the Atlantic council of the United States and the Research Institute for Peace and Security, Tokyo). Cambridge (Mass.), Ballinger Publishing Company, 1981, 256 p.". Études internationales 13, no. 4 (1982) : 752–753.
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