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Louthood, Louise. "The Egyptian-Israeli Treaty : Text and Selected Documents, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 134 p. / Khalidi, Rashid, Soviet Middle East Policy in the Wake of Camp David, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 40 p. / Said, Edward W., The Palestine Question and the American Context, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 30 p." Études internationales, volume 11, number 2, 1980, p. 357–358.
Louthood, L. (1980). Review of [The Egyptian-Israeli Treaty : Text and Selected Documents, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 134 p. / Khalidi, Rashid, Soviet Middle East Policy in the Wake of Camp David, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 40 p. / Said, Edward W., The Palestine Question and the American Context, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 30 p.] Études internationales, 11(2), 357–358.
- Chicago
Louthood, Louise "The Egyptian-Israeli Treaty : Text and Selected Documents, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 134 p. / Khalidi, Rashid, Soviet Middle East Policy in the Wake of Camp David, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 40 p. / Said, Edward W., The Palestine Question and the American Context, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beyrout, 1979, 30 p.". Études internationales 11, no. 2 (1980) : 357–358.
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