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Vaillancourt, Jean-Guy. "Pranger, R.J. et R.P. Labrie (eds.), Nuclear Strategy and National Security Points of View, Washington, American Enterprise Institute, 1977, 515 p. / Mueller, Peter G., On Things Nuclear : The Canadian Debate, Toronto, Canadian Institute on International Affairs, 1977, 39 p." Études internationales, volume 10, number 1, 1979, p. 200–201.
Vaillancourt, J.-G. (1979). Review of [Pranger, R.J. et R.P. Labrie (eds.), Nuclear Strategy and National Security Points of View, Washington, American Enterprise Institute, 1977, 515 p. / Mueller, Peter G., On Things Nuclear : The Canadian Debate, Toronto, Canadian Institute on International Affairs, 1977, 39 p.] Études internationales, 10(1), 200–201.
- Chicago
Vaillancourt, Jean-Guy "Pranger, R.J. et R.P. Labrie (eds.), Nuclear Strategy and National Security Points of View, Washington, American Enterprise Institute, 1977, 515 p. / Mueller, Peter G., On Things Nuclear : The Canadian Debate, Toronto, Canadian Institute on International Affairs, 1977, 39 p.". Études internationales 10, no. 1 (1979) : 200–201.
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