Volume 7, Number 1, 1976
Table of contents (27 articles)
Comptes rendus
Alexander, Robert J., Latin American Political Parties, New York – Washington – London, Praeger Publishers, 1973, xxv + 537 p.
Allardice, Corbin et Trapnell, Edward R., The Atomic Energy Commission, New York, Praeger, 1974, 236 p.
Amin, Samir, Neo-colonialism in West Africa, New York Monthly Review Press, 1973, 298 p.
Aptheker, Herbert (éd.), The Education of Black People. Ten Critiques, 1906-1960, by W.E.B. Du Bois, New York et Londres, Monthly Review Press, 1975, 171 p.
Arès, Richard, Les positions ethniques, linguistiques et religieuses des Canadiens français à la suite du recensement de 1971, Éditions Bellarmin, Montréal, 1975, 210 p.
Bisson, Thomas N. (éd.), Medieval Representative Institutions: Their Origins and Nature, The Dryden Press, Hinsdale (Ill.), 1973, iv + 154 p., bibliogr.
Blaustein, Albert P., Matthews, Jessie L., et De Verge, Adrienne, A Bibliography on the Common Law in French, Oceana, Publications Inc., New York, 1974, 179 p.
Crouzet, François, Le conflit de Chypre, 1946-1949, en deux tomes, (Collection « Études de cas de conflits internationaux » IV, Centre européen de la Dotation Carnegie pour la paix internationale), Bruxelles, Ets Émile Bruylant, 1973, 1187 p.; graphiques, cartes.
Elkin, Frederick, Rebels and Colleagues: Advertising and Social Change in French Canada, Montréal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1973, 227 p.
Guinsburg, T.N. et Reuber, G.L. (éds), Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Canada, Presses de l’Université de Toronto, 1974, 196 p.
Kornberg, Allan (éd.), Legislatures in Comparative Perspective, New York, David McKay, 1973, 457 p.
Lewis, Gordon K., Notes on the Puerto Rican Revolution. An Essay on American Dominance and Caribbean Resistance, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1974, 288 p.
Moulin, Léo, Les socialisations – société – État –parti, Éd. Duculot (1975); Gembloux (Collection Sociologie Nouvelle; Théories, no 11), 200 p.
Mousnier, Roland, Social Hierarchies, Methuen Publications, Agincourt, Ont., 1969 et 1973.
Sewell, James P., UNESCO and World Politics: Engaging in International Relations, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1975, x + 384 p.
Sterling, Richard, Macropolitics, International Relations in a Global Society, Alfred Knopf, New York, 1974, 650 p.
Supek, Rudi (éd.), Étatisme et autogestion, bilan critique du socialisme yougoslave, Éditions Anthropos, Paris, 1973, 386 p.
Thorne, Christopher, The Limits of Foreign Policy. The West, the League and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1931-1933, Macmillan, Toronto, 1972 (1st ed.).
Wallace, Michael David, War and Rank among Nations, Lexington Books, Mass., 1973, 143 p. / Laponce, Jean et Smoker, Paul (éds), Experimentation and Simulation in Political Science, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1972, 465 p.
Wallace, W., Foreign Policy and the Political Process, MacMillan Co., Toronto, 1972, 80 p.
Wise, S.F., et Brown, Robert Craig, Canada Views the United States: Nineteenth Century Political Attitudes (« Introduction » de Richard A. Preston et « Commentaire » de David M. Potter), Macmillan, Toronto, 1972, 139 p.