Études d'histoire religieuse

Managing editor(s): Florence Pasche Guignard (Co-directrice), Catherine Foisy (Co-directrice)

Journal preceded by Sessions d'étude - Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique



The journal Études d'histoire religieuse (EHR) is published by the Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique. Founded in 1933, the mission of this society is to promote and disseminate research on religious culture in Quebec and Canada. Through its articles, critical notes, and reviews, the journal EHR aims to advance knowledge in the field of religious history in Québec and Canada.


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Journal's Site: http://schec.cieq.ca/Revue.php

Contact the journal's editor: melanie.lanouette@cieq.ulaval.ca

Back issues (36 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

The journal Études d'histoire religieuse (EHR) is open to comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives and welcomes manuscripts from many researchers, including graduate students. The Editorial Board considers only unpublished manuscripts and rejects popular texts. Book reviews are solicited by the journal’s editors. Texts are published in French only.

Authors who wish to submit articles to the journal must send them by e-mail, no later than the beginning of November, to the editor: melanie.lanouette@cieq.ulaval.ca

Authors must respect the Guidelines provided by the journal. The editor may refuse a texte which does not comply with the required formats.

Guidelines for Authors

Information for contributors

Directives générales aux auteurs et autrices


Pour soumettre un article, visitez la page  https://edition.uqam.ca/ehr/about/submissions et suivez les instructions qui s'y trouvent. 

Editorial board

Editor: Mélanie Lanouette

Editorial Board: Catherine Foisy, and Ollivier Hubert

Book reviews: Maurice Demers