Éducation et francophonie

Managing editor(s): Natalie Delarive (Éditrice)




Éducation et francophonie is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that presents the results of new research in French-language education. Since 1996, it has been contributing to the advancement of knowledge in Francophone education and stimulating the reflections of leaders in the field.

The themes it covers touch on all levels of education and call for the contribution of researchers across the international Francophone community. Its readers are mainly researchers, professors, teachers and students in education and related fields, such as psychology and social sciences.

It is published twice a year.

The review has close to 6,000 subscribers, 70% from Canada and 30% from other parts of the world.




Éducation et francophonie

265, rue de la Couronne, bureau 303 
Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 6E1

Phone:  418 681-4661 
Fax:  418 681-3389

Email: revue@acelf.ca

Journal's Site: www.acelf.ca/c/revue

Back issues (59 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Journals policies

Publishing schedule

The journal Éducation et francophonie makes two calls for articles per year: one in the spring (April 1) and one in the fall (October 1). The current call remains online for a period of six months. Once the call is completed, the texts received are sent to arbitration and then a decision is made regarding its acceptance. This stage lasts on average seven months. Once the text has been accepted and the response received, a final version must be produced, including a linguistic revision and English and Spanish translations of the abstract. This stage lasts on average five months. Average duration of the publication process: 12 months.

Type of articles accepted

Given the thematic character of the publication, those who wish to publish an article in Éducation et francophonie are first invited to view the background material in the section “Call for papers” on our website and to communicate with us to be put in contact with the guest editors. All articles must respect the journal’s publication guidelines.

Publication exclusivity

The articles submitted to the editing committee must be unpublished. They may not have been submitted to any other journal for concomitant publication. They may not be subsequently published in another journal without the authorization of the editorial board.
Peer-review of articles

All of the papers are peer-reviewed following a specific procedure in order to attest to their admissibility with regard to the requirements of the academic community. Each article is submitted to two or three evaluators other than the members of the editorial board. The evaluation procedure is anonymous.


A letter certifying the admissibility of the article in terms of the academic community’s requirements is sent upon request to the author whose article has been accepted for publication.

Rights of the publishing and editorial committee

  • The committee may: refuse articles that are in breach of the periodical’s policy; ask the author for a rewrite, a general revision or a standardization of the presentation.
  • The Publication may: make detailed corrections of spelling, grammar, punctuation and bibliographic protocol.


  • Do the authors retain copyright or cede it to the journal?

Éducation et francophonie obtains and holds the copyright on the content of its publications. To clarify the rights of the authors and the journal, and to ensure that all parties are protected, the journal requires authors to cede their copyright before publication.

  • Can authors archive a version of their article in an institutional repository (self-archiving)?

Éducation et francophonie acknowledges that the authors are authorized to archive an electronic copy of the final peer-reviewed manuscript in the repository named on the author’s contract. The manuscript archived in this repository may be offered in free access upon its publication in the journal.

Author Fees

The journal covers the entire costs of the publishing process. Authors who submit a text, whether it is published or not, do not have to pay any fees.

The Éducation et francophonie journal refuses plagiarism.

Definition of plagiarism and self-plagiarism[1]

Plagiarism is the act of plagiarizing, or copying (an author) by unduly taking credit for passages of their work. It consists of the total or partial appropriation of content (text, images, charts, graphics…) without the consent of the author or without citing the sources[2].

Self-plagiarism consists for the author of “recycling” an article or part(s) of an article already published without citing the sources. This practice may constitute a breach of ethics if the reused document or excerpts have already been published, since they do not comply with the obligation to submit only unpublished articles.

Actions taken by the journal to counter plagiarism and self-plagiarism

Before publication

  • The journal checks the identity of the researcher and ensures that the title and content of the article are unpublished.

During peer review

  • In order to validate the originality of the article, peers must evaluate:
    • Contribution to the advancement of knowledge and research in education, or a new critical approach;
    • The use of an appropriate methodological approach;
    • Whether or not the subject has been dealt with systematically, thoroughly and rigorously;
    • Whether or not the references are complete and relevant.

Regardless of the stage of the editorial process, if any act of plagiarism is suspected, the publication will contact the author. Explanations provided are then sent to the editorial board. If the author shows that there has not been any intellectual dishonesty[3], modifications to the texts may be requested immediately or after the peer review. However, if the article contains plagiarized content, it will immediately be refused, and the author will be advised that they will no longer be able to submit and papers to the journal.

After publication

Following an external complaint and after verification by the journal, a published article in which plagiarized content is found will automatically be removed from the issue and the author will no longer be published in the journal.


[1] These definitions are taken from page 31 of the guide published in 2014 by the Ethics Committee of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, entitled Promouvoir une recherche intègre et responsable. Un guide (Promoting honest and responsible research. A guide.  Taken from http://www.cnrs.fr/comets/IMG/pdf/guide_promouvoir_une_recherche_inte_gre_et_responsable_8septembre2014.pdf

[2] For information on how to cite sources, see our publication guidelines.

[3] Plagiarism as intellectual dishonesty is, according to Geneviève Koubi, a “usurpation of the role of researcher, revealing duplicity. It is not falsification, it is confiscation of the substance of the creative idea from the one who delivered it; it is not misrepresentation, it is capturing the innovative thinking of the one who brought it forward”, in Retour sur le plagiat. La source d’inspiration en question. Texte-support de l’intervention orale du 13 février 2013  (Another look at plagiarism. The source of inspiration in question, Transcript of the oral presentation of February 13, 2013). Centre d’Alember. Taken from  http://plagiat-recherche.fr/spip.php?article57.

Information for contributors

Les personnes qui souhaitent soummetre un texte à la revue doivent s'assurer que celui-ci est en lien avec la toile de fond de l'appel d'articles en cours.

Les textes doivent respecter les directives de publication de la revue et ne doivent pas dépasser 5 000 mots.

Votre texte doit être envoyé à Natalie Delarive, éditrice, à l'adresse : delarive@acelf.ca





Editorial board


Natalie Delarive, editor
Phone:  418 681-4661 
Email: delarive@acelf.ca 


Members of drafting committee

Anderson Arujò-Oliveira (president)
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Jean Labelle
Université de Moncton (New-Brunswick)
Jules Rocque
Université de Saint-Boniface (Manitoba)

Phyllis Dalley (Ontario)
Université d'Ottawa

Abdoulaye Anne (Québec)
Université Laval