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Bussell, Hilary. "Public Youth Librarians Use Technology in Ways that Align with Connected Learning Principles but Face Challenges with Implementation / Subramaniam, M., Scaff, L., Kawas, S., Hoffman, K. M., & Davis, K. (2018). Using technology to support equity and inclusion in youth library programming: Current practices and future opportunities. The Library Quarterly, 88(4), 315–331." Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, volume 14, number 3, 2019, p. 141–143.
Bussell, H. (2019). Review of [Public Youth Librarians Use Technology in Ways that Align with Connected Learning Principles but Face Challenges with Implementation / Subramaniam, M., Scaff, L., Kawas, S., Hoffman, K. M., & Davis, K. (2018). Using technology to support equity and inclusion in youth library programming: Current practices and future opportunities. The Library Quarterly, 88(4), 315–331.]. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 14(3), 141–143.
- Chicago
Bussell, Hilary "Public Youth Librarians Use Technology in Ways that Align with Connected Learning Principles but Face Challenges with Implementation / Subramaniam, M., Scaff, L., Kawas, S., Hoffman, K. M., & Davis, K. (2018). Using technology to support equity and inclusion in youth library programming: Current practices and future opportunities. The Library Quarterly, 88(4), 315–331.". Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 14, no. 3 (2019) : 141–143.
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