Comptes rendus

Neale, Colin. Projet d’établissement d’un système d’information et de distribution pour les produits audio-visuels canadiens. Proposed Course of Action to Implement an Information/Distribution System for Canadian Audio-Visual Products. Montréal, Office national du film, 1978. 12, 16 p.Rothwell, Helene de F. A Proposal for a Selective, Annotated Catalogue of Canadian Produced Non-Print Materials. Research Report. Toronto, University of Toronto, Faculty of Library Science, Centre for Research in Librarianship, 1978. 11 p.

  • Jacques Demers

…more information

  • Jacques Demers
    Centrale des bibliothèques, Montréal

Cover of Volume 24, Number 4, December 1978, pp. 159-219, Documentation et bibliothèques

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