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Levesque, Simon. "Philosophy of Education in the Semiotics of Charles Peirce. A Cosmology of Learning and Loving de Alin Olteanu / Alin OLTEANU, Philosophy of Education in the Semiotics of Charles Peirce. A Cosmology of Learning and Loving, Oxford/Berlin, Peter Lang, 2015, 282 p." Cygne noir, number 3, 2015, p. 161–165.
Levesque, S. (2015). Review of [Philosophy of Education in the Semiotics of Charles Peirce. A Cosmology of Learning and Loving de Alin Olteanu / Alin OLTEANU, Philosophy of Education in the Semiotics of Charles Peirce. A Cosmology of Learning and Loving, Oxford/Berlin, Peter Lang, 2015, 282 p.] Cygne noir, (3), 161–165.
- Chicago
Levesque, Simon "Philosophy of Education in the Semiotics of Charles Peirce. A Cosmology of Learning and Loving de Alin Olteanu / Alin OLTEANU, Philosophy of Education in the Semiotics of Charles Peirce. A Cosmology of Learning and Loving, Oxford/Berlin, Peter Lang, 2015, 282 p.". Cygne noir no. 3 (2015) : 161–165.
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