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Schlichting, Leonard, et al. "Ma soeur et moi / Embarkation et enracinement / My Sister, Myself / Leonard Schlichting's Embarkation." CV Photo, number 26, spring 1994, p. 30–39.
Schlichting, L., Platana, J. & Legendre, R. (1994). Ma soeur et moi / Embarkation et enracinement / My Sister, Myself / Leonard Schlichting's Embarkation. CV Photo, (26), 30–39.
- Chicago
Schlichting, Leonard, Platana, Janette and Legendre, Robert "Ma soeur et moi / Embarkation et enracinement / My Sister, Myself / Leonard Schlichting's Embarkation". CV Photo no. 26 (1994) : 30–39.
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