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Morelli, Didier. "Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Natalia Lassalle-Morillo, Foreign in a Domestic Sense. Dazibao, Montréal (08.02.2024 — 30.03.2024) / Foreign in a Domestic Sense." Ciel variable, number 127, fall 2024, p. 89–90.
Morelli, D. (2024). Review of [Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Natalia Lassalle-Morillo, Foreign in a Domestic Sense. Dazibao, Montréal (08.02.2024 — 30.03.2024) / Foreign in a Domestic Sense]. Ciel variable, (127), 89–90.
- Chicago
Morelli, Didier "Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Natalia Lassalle-Morillo, Foreign in a Domestic Sense. Dazibao, Montréal (08.02.2024 — 30.03.2024) / Foreign in a Domestic Sense". Ciel variable no. 127 (2024) : 89–90.
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