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Choquette, Emmanuelle. "Natascha Niederstrass, The Vanishing Woman / Escamotage d’une femme — Galerie Patrick Mikhail, Montréal (19.11.2022 — 4.02.2023) / The Vanishing Woman / Escamotage d’une femme." Ciel variable, number 123, summer 2023, p. 97–98.
Choquette, E. (2023). Review of [Natascha Niederstrass, The Vanishing Woman / Escamotage d’une femme — Galerie Patrick Mikhail, Montréal (19.11.2022 — 4.02.2023) / The Vanishing Woman / Escamotage d’une femme]. Ciel variable, (123), 97–98.
- Chicago
Choquette, Emmanuelle "Natascha Niederstrass, The Vanishing Woman / Escamotage d’une femme — Galerie Patrick Mikhail, Montréal (19.11.2022 — 4.02.2023) / The Vanishing Woman / Escamotage d’une femme". Ciel variable no. 123 (2023) : 97–98.
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