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James D. Campbell. "The Park, Kate Hutchinson, Les Éditions du renard, Montréal, 2015, 140 pages, ill. colour, Postface by Cynthia Imogen Hammond." Ciel variable, number 103, spring 2016, p. 93–93.
James D. Campbell (2016). Review of [The Park, Kate Hutchinson, Les Éditions du renard, Montréal, 2015, 140 pages, ill. colour, Postface by Cynthia Imogen Hammond]. Ciel variable, (103), 93–93.
- Chicago
James D. Campbell "The Park, Kate Hutchinson, Les Éditions du renard, Montréal, 2015, 140 pages, ill. colour, Postface by Cynthia Imogen Hammond". Ciel variable no. 103 (2016) : 93–93.
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