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Tousignant, Zoë. "Quentin Bajac: Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015. Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now / Quentin Bajac : Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015. Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now." Ciel variable, number 102, winter 2016, p. 103–106.
Tousignant, Z. (2016). Quentin Bajac: Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015. Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now / Quentin Bajac : Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015. Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now. Ciel variable, (102), 103–106.
- Chicago
Tousignant, Zoë "Quentin Bajac: Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015. Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now / Quentin Bajac : Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015. Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now". Ciel variable no. 102 (2016) : 103–106.
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