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Horne, Stephen. "David Goldblatt, Structures of Dominion and Democracy, Marian Goodman Gallery, Paris, 6 September to 18 October 2014." Ciel variable, number 99, winter 2015, p. 85–86.
Horne, S. (2015). Review of [David Goldblatt, Structures of Dominion and Democracy, Marian Goodman Gallery, Paris, 6 September to 18 October 2014]. Ciel variable, (99), 85–86.
- Chicago
Horne, Stephen "David Goldblatt, Structures of Dominion and Democracy, Marian Goodman Gallery, Paris, 6 September to 18 October 2014". Ciel variable no. 99 (2015) : 85–86.
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