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Payne, Carol. "Mutations: Perspectives on Photography / Perspectives sur la photographie, Chantal Pontbriand (edited by / sous la direction de) Göttingen and Paris: Steidl and Paris Photo, 2011, 414 pp." Ciel variable, number 93, winter 2013, p. 107–107.
Payne, C. (2013). Review of [Mutations: Perspectives on Photography / Perspectives sur la photographie, Chantal Pontbriand (edited by / sous la direction de) Göttingen and Paris: Steidl and Paris Photo, 2011, 414 pp.] Ciel variable, (93), 107–107.
- Chicago
Payne, Carol "Mutations: Perspectives on Photography / Perspectives sur la photographie, Chantal Pontbriand (edited by / sous la direction de) Göttingen and Paris: Steidl and Paris Photo, 2011, 414 pp.". Ciel variable no. 93 (2013) : 107–107.
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