Accumulation et dispersion des perspectivesAccumulation and Dispersing PerspectiveMartin Schoeller, série / series Close UpMartin Schoeller, série / series Female Bodybuilders[Record]
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Johanna Mizgala
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Emmanuelle Bouet
Growing up in Germany, Martin Schoeller was deeply influenced by the work of August Sander and Bernd and Hilla Becher. He worked as an assistant to Annie Leibovitz from 1993 to 1996 and joined Richard Avedon at The New Yorker in 1999, where he continues to work while also shooting for other publications and advertising campaigns. His portraits are included in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, dc. Three monographs have been published on his work: Close Up (teNeues Publishing Group, 2005), Female Bodybuilders (Pond Press, 2008) and Fotografie Portfolio #54 (Stern, 2008). He is represented by Hasted Kraeutler, Ace Gallery, and Camerawork. Martin Schoeller lives and works in New York.
Ayant grandi en Allemagne, Martin Schoeller a été profondément influencé par le travail d’August Sander et de Bernd et Hilla Becher. De 1993 à 1996, il était assistant de la photographe Annie Leibovitz puis en 1999, il s’est joint à Richard Avedon au magazine The New Yorker, où il continue de travailler en plus de produire des images pour d’autres publications ou campagnes publicitaires. Ses portraits font notamment partie de la collection per-manente de la National Portrait Gallery de Washington. Trois monographies sont parues sur son travail : Close Up (teNeues Publishing Group, 2005), Female Bodybuilders (Pond Press, 2008) et Fotografie Portfolio #54 (Stern, 2008). Il est représenté par les galeries Hasted Kraeutler, Ace Gallery et Camerawork. Martin Schoeller vit et travaille à New York.