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Campbell, James D. "Péripéties, Maison de la culture Frontenac, Montreal, Produced by Occurrence, March 16 to April 18, 2010." Ciel variable, number 86, fall 2010, p. 88–89.
Campbell, J. D. (2010). Review of [Péripéties, Maison de la culture Frontenac, Montreal, Produced by Occurrence, March 16 to April 18, 2010]. Ciel variable, (86), 88–89.
- Chicago
Campbell, James D. "Péripéties, Maison de la culture Frontenac, Montreal, Produced by Occurrence, March 16 to April 18, 2010". Ciel variable no. 86 (2010) : 88–89.
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