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Mizgala, Johanna. "Inconvenient Evidence, Iraqi Prison Photographs from Abu Ghraib, International Center for Photography, New York, 17 September - 28 November 2004." Ciel variable, number 67, june 2005, p. 33–33.
Mizgala, J. (2005). Review of [Inconvenient Evidence, Iraqi Prison Photographs from Abu Ghraib, International Center for Photography, New York, 17 September - 28 November 2004]. Ciel variable, (67), 33–33.
- Chicago
Mizgala, Johanna "Inconvenient Evidence, Iraqi Prison Photographs from Abu Ghraib, International Center for Photography, New York, 17 September - 28 November 2004". Ciel variable no. 67 (2005) : 33–33.
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