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Tamir, Chen. "The Atlas Group and Walid Raad, I Was Overcome by a Momentary Panic at the Thought that They Were Right: Documents from the Nassar Files in the Atlas Group Archive, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto 15 September-14 November, 2004." Ciel variable, number 66, may 2005, p. 30–30.
Tamir, C. (2005). Review of [The Atlas Group and Walid Raad, I Was Overcome by a Momentary Panic at the Thought that They Were Right: Documents from the Nassar Files in the Atlas Group Archive, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto 15 September-14 November, 2004]. Ciel variable, (66), 30–30.
- Chicago
Tamir, Chen "The Atlas Group and Walid Raad, I Was Overcome by a Momentary Panic at the Thought that They Were Right: Documents from the Nassar Files in the Atlas Group Archive, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto 15 September-14 November, 2004". Ciel variable no. 66 (2005) : 30–30.
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