Canadian University Music Review
Revue de musique des universités canadiennes

Volume 24, Number 1, 2003

Table of contents (13 articles)

Colloquy / Débat

  1. Apropos Aesthetic Autonomy


  1. Deconstructing the Local: The Aesthetic Space and Geographic Place of Oskar Morawetz's String Quartet no. 5 "A Tribute to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" (1991)
  2. Présence wagnérienne dans le film Invincible (2001) de Werner Herzog
  3. "I See the Fretboard in Diagrams": An Examination of the Improvisatory Style of Herbert Lawrence "Sonny" Greenwich
  4. Les mutations componentielles de l’objet-chanson

Book Reviews / Recensions

  1. Robert Thérien. 2003. L’histoire de l’enregistrement sonore au Québec et dans le monde: 1878-1950. Volume 1. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, x, 233 p. ISBN 2-7637-7933-6 (couverture souple)
  2. Jean-Nicolas De Surmont. 2001. La bonne chanson : Le commerce de la tradition en France et au Québec dans la première moitié du XXesiècle. Montréal : Triptyque. 220 p. ISBN 2-89031-396-4 (couverture souple)
  3. Naomi Cumming. 2000. The Sonic Self: Musical Subjectivity and Signification. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 370 pp. ISBN 0-253-33754-2 (hardcover)
  4. Elaine Barkin and Lydia Hamessley, eds. 1999. Audible Traces: Gender, Identity, and Music. Zurich: Carciofoli Verlagshaus. Verbal score, index, CD, 292 pp. ISBN 3-905323-00-1 (hardcover) / Tullia Magrini, ed. 2003. Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterranean. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 371 pp. ISBN 0226501655 (hardcover)
  5. David Kopp. 2002. Chromatic Transformations in Nineteenth-Century Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xiii, 275 pp. ISBN 0-521-80463-9 (hardcover)
  6. Robin Elliott and Gordon E. Smith, eds. 2001. István Anhalt: Pathways and Memory. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, xx, 425 pp. ISBN 0- 7735-2102-X (paperback)
  7. Theodor W. Adorno. 2002. Essays on Music. Selected, with introduction, commentary, and notes by Richard Leppert. Trans. Susan H. Gillespie et al. Berkeley: University of California Press. Bibliography, 743 pp. ISBN 0-5202- 3159-7 (paperback)
  1. Contributors / Collaborateurs

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