Canadian University Music Review
Revue de musique des universités canadiennes

Volume 20, Number 1, 1999

Table of contents (23 articles)

Colloquy / Débat

  1. CUMS Remembered / Souvenirs de la SMUC
  2. CUMS Imagined / Une vision de la SMUC


  1. From Le sacre to Les noces: Primitivism and the Changing Face of Modernity
  2. Leonora Unbound: Tonality as Allegory
  3. L’ornementation de la musique française pour orgue de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle, d’après Titelouze, Mersenne et Denis
  4. Music and Text in Elisabeth Lutyens's Wittgenstein Motet

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Robin Elliott. Counterpoint to a City: The First One Hundred Years of the Women's Musical Club of Toronto. Toronto: ECW Press, 1997. 249 pp. ISBN 1-55022-306-2 (paperback)
  2. Diane E. Peters. Canadian Music and Music Education: An Annotated Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations. Lanham, Md.: The Scarecrow Press, 1997. xvii, 476 pp. ISBN 0-8108-3275-5 (hardcover)
  3. William E. Caplin. Classical Form: A Theory of Formal Functions for the Instrumental Music of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. New York et Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998. xii, 307 p. ISBN 0-19-510480-3 (couverture rigide)
  4. Dolores Pesce, ed. Hearing the Motet: Essays on the Motet of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. xii, 380 pp. ISBN 0-19-509709-2 (hardcover); ISBN 0-19-512905-9 (paperback)
  5. John Harley. William Byrd: Gentleman of the Chapel Royal. Aldershot, Hants: Scolar Press; Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 1997. 480 pp. ISBN 1-85928-165-6 (hardcover)
  6. Jonathan P. Wainwright. Musical Patronage in Seventeenth-Century England: Christopher, First Baron Hatton (1605-1670). Aldershot, Hants: Scolar Press, 1997. 470 pp. ISBN 1-85928-278-4 (hardcover)
  7. Jane Girdham. English Opera in Late Eighteenth-Century London: Stephen Storace at Drury Lane. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. xiv, 272 pp. ISBN 0-19-816254-5 (hardcover)
  8. Paul Robinson. Ludwig van Beethoven: Fidelio. Cambridge Opera Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xi, 191 pp. ISBN 0-521-45852-8 (hardcover)
  9. Léonard A. Rosmarin. When Literature Becomes Opera: Study of a Transformational Process. Amsterdam et Atlanta : Rodopi, 1999. 160 p. ISBN 90-420-0694-3
  10. Jan Swafford. Johannes Brahms: A Biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. xxii, 705 pp. ISBN 0-679-42261-7 (hardcover) / Styra Avins, editor and annotator. Johannes Brahms: Life and Letters. Trans. Styra Avins and Joseph Eisinger. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. xxviii, 858 pp. ISBN 0-19-816234-0 (hardcover)
  11. Judit Frigyesi. Béla Bartók and Turn-of-the-Century Budapest. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. x, 357 pp. ISBN 0-520-20740-8 (hardcover)
  12. Michel Duchesneau, L’avant-garde musicale et ses sociétés à Paris de 1871 à 1939. Collection « Musique-Musicologie ». Liège : Mardaga, 1997. 352 p. ISBN 2-87009-634-8
  13. Michel Faure. Du néoclassicisme musical dans la France du premier XXesiècle. Klincksieck esthétique. Paris : Klincksieck, 1997. 384 p. ISBN 2-252-03005-4
  14. Pascal Huynh. La musique sous la République de Weimar. Collection « Les chemins de la musique ». Paris : Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1998. 501 p. ISBN 2-213-60078-3 (couverture cartonnée)
  15. Michael H. Kater. The Twisted Muse: Musicians and Their Music in the Third Reich. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. xv, 327 pp. ISBN 0-19-509620-7 (hardcover)
  16. Pamela M. Potter. Most German of the Arts: Musicology and Society from the Weimar Republic to the End of Hitler's Reich. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998. xx, 364 pp. ISBN 0-300-07228-7 (hardcover)
  1. Contributors / Collaborateurs

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