Canadian University Music Review
Revue de musique des universités canadiennes

Number 15, 1995

Table of contents (20 articles)

  1. Vers une approche critique de la théorie schenkérienne
  2. Is Complex Music Socially Significant? Doing Ethnomusicology in South Asia
  3. On the Role of Vocal Idioms in Singing
  4. Two Instrumental Arrangements from Early Sixteenth-Century Bohemia
  5. Topos, Text, and the Parody Problem in Bach's Mass in B minor, BWV 232
  6. Le labyrinthe visité : Le cactus rieur et la demoiselle qui souffrait d’une soif insatiable de Denys Bouliane

Conference Reports / Comptes rendus de colloques

Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Introduction to Man and Music/Music and Society Series
  2. James McKinnon, ed. Antiquity and the Middle Ages: From Ancient Greece to the 15th Century. Music and Society. Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey, 1990. x, 337 pp. ISBN 0-13-036153-4 (hardcover), ISBN 0-13-036161-5 (paperback)
  3. Curtis Price, ed. The Early Baroque Era: From the Late 16th Century to the 1660s. Music and Society. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1993. xiv, 400 pp. ISBN 0-13-223835-7 (hardcover), ISBN 0-13-223793-8 (paperback) / George J. Buelow, editor. The Late Baroque Era: From the 1660s to 1740. Music and Society. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1993. xii, 522 pp. ISBN 0-13-104340-4 (hardcover), ISBN 0-13-529983-7 (paperback)
  4. Lorraine Gorrell. The Nineteenth-Century German Lied. Portland, OR: Amadeus Press, 1993. 398 pp. ISBN 0-931340-59-4 (hardcover)
  5. Susan Rankin and David Hiley, eds. Music in the Medieval English Liturgy. Plainsong and Medieval Music Society Centennial Essays. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. viii, 413 pp. ISBN 0-19-316125-7 (hardcover)
  6. Peter Williams. The Organ in Western Culture, 750-1250. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xx, 397 pp. ISBN 0-521- 41843-7
  7. Gary Tomlinson. Music in Renaissance Magic: Toward a Historiography of Others. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993. xvi, 291 pp. ISBN 0-226-80791-6 (hardcover)
  8. Jean-Jacques Nattiez. Wagner Androgyne: A Study in Interpretation. Translated by Stewart Spencer. Princeton Studies in Opera. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993. xx, 359 pp. ISBN 0-691-09141-2 (hardcover)
  9. Jésus Aguila. Le Domaine musical : Pierre Boulez et vingt ans de création contemporaine. Paris : Fayard, 1992. 506 p. ISBN 2-213-02532-0
  10. Jocelyne Guilbault, with Gage Averill, Édouard Benoit, and Gregory Rabess. Zouk: World Music in the West Indies. Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. xxv, 279 pp., compact disc included. ISBN 0-226-31041-8 (hardcover), ISBN 0-226-31042-6 (paperback)

Record Reviews / Comptes rendus de disques

  1. Contributors / Collaborateurs

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