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Stafford, Christine C. "Elizabeth FURNISS, Victims of Benevolence: Discipline And Death At The Williams Lake Indian Residential School, 1891 - 1920, Williams Lake, B.C.: Cariboo Tribal Council, 1992; 53 pages / Joy MANNETTE (ed), Elusive Justice: Beyond the Marshall Inquiry, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1992; 108 pages." Culture, volume 13, number 1, 1993, p. 101–103.
Stafford, C. (1993). Review of [Elizabeth FURNISS, Victims of Benevolence: Discipline And Death At The Williams Lake Indian Residential School, 1891 - 1920, Williams Lake, B.C.: Cariboo Tribal Council, 1992; 53 pages / Joy MANNETTE (ed), Elusive Justice: Beyond the Marshall Inquiry, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1992; 108 pages]. Culture, 13(1), 101–103.
- Chicago
Stafford, Christine C. "Elizabeth FURNISS, Victims of Benevolence: Discipline And Death At The Williams Lake Indian Residential School, 1891 - 1920, Williams Lake, B.C.: Cariboo Tribal Council, 1992; 53 pages / Joy MANNETTE (ed), Elusive Justice: Beyond the Marshall Inquiry, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1992; 108 pages". Culture 13, no. 1 (1993) : 101–103.
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