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Elias, Peter Douglas. "Y. Georg LITHMAN, Rick R. RIEWE, Raymond E. WIEST and Robert E. WRIGLEY (Eds), People and Land in Northern Manitoba, University of Manitoba Anthropology Papers 32, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Department of Anthropology, 1992; 270 pages (paper) / Rick RIEWE and Jill OAKES (Eds), Human Ecology: Issues in the North, Occasional Publication Series No. 30, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1992; 135 pages (paper)." Culture, volume 13, number 1, 1993, p. 100–101.
Elias, P. (1993). Review of [Y. Georg LITHMAN, Rick R. RIEWE, Raymond E. WIEST and Robert E. WRIGLEY (Eds), People and Land in Northern Manitoba, University of Manitoba Anthropology Papers 32, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Department of Anthropology, 1992; 270 pages (paper) / Rick RIEWE and Jill OAKES (Eds), Human Ecology: Issues in the North, Occasional Publication Series No. 30, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1992; 135 pages (paper)]. Culture, 13(1), 100–101.
- Chicago
Elias, Peter Douglas "Y. Georg LITHMAN, Rick R. RIEWE, Raymond E. WIEST and Robert E. WRIGLEY (Eds), People and Land in Northern Manitoba, University of Manitoba Anthropology Papers 32, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Department of Anthropology, 1992; 270 pages (paper) / Rick RIEWE and Jill OAKES (Eds), Human Ecology: Issues in the North, Occasional Publication Series No. 30, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1992; 135 pages (paper)". Culture 13, no. 1 (1993) : 100–101.
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