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Volume 13, Number 1, 1993
Table of contents (36 articles)
Pointe-à-Callière : à la découverte du passé de Montréal
Ivan KARP et Steven D. LAVINE, éditeurs, Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display, Washington et Londres, Smithsonian Institution Press, publié en collaboration avec l’American Association of Museums, 1991, 468 pages, illustré
Robert ROTENBERG. Time and Order in Metropolitan Vienna: A Seizure of Schedules. Washington & London, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992
Gregory FORTH, Space and Place in Eastern Indonesia, Kent: Centre of South-East Asian Studies, University of Canterbury, 1991, Occasional Paper No. 16; 85 pages. £3.00
Edward T. HALL, An Anthropology of Modern Life. An Autobiography, New York: Doubleday, 1992. 269 pages, $24.50 (cloth)
Lisa FALK (Ed. ), Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective, Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991, 122 p.
Alice LITTLEFIELD and Hill GATES (eds), Marxist Approaches in Economic Anthropology, Monographs in Economic Anthropology, No. 9, New York: University Press of America and Society for Economic Anthropology, 1991. 240 pages, $28.75 U.S. (paper)
Chris BONGIE, Exotic Memories: Litterature, Colonialism, and the Fin de Siècle. Stanford University Press, 1991, pp. 262
David TRIGGER, Whitefella Comin’: Aboriginal Responses to Colonialism in Northern Australia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 250 pages, $45.00 (cloth)
Partha MITTER, Much Maligned Monsters: A History of European Reactions to Indian Art, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1992 (with a new Preface); 351 pages. $17.95 (paper)
Eduardo VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, From the Enemy’s Point of View: Humanity and Divinity in an Amazonian Society, Translated by Catherine V. Howard, Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1991; xx + 407 pp. ($60 cloth; $18.95 paper)
Michael AMES, Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes: The Anthropology of Museums, Vancouver: UBC Press, 1991; 230 pages, $39.95 (hardback)
Alexander WILSON, The Culture of Nature: North American Landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez, Toronto: Between the Lines, 1991; 335 pages. $24.95 (paper)
Brian PRONGER, The Arena of Masculinity: Sports, Homosexuality, and the Meaning of Sex, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992; 305 pages. $19.95 (paper)
Dorothy Ayers COUNTS, Judith BROWN, and Jacquelyn CAMPBELL (eds.), Sanctions and Sanctuary, Cultural Perspectives on the Beating of Wives, Westview Press, 1992, $44.50 (paper)
Samuel W. CORRIGAN (ed.), Readings in Aboriginal Studies, Vol. 1: Human Services, Brandon, Manitoba: Bearpaw Publishing, 1991. 319 pages, $24.00 (cloth), $18.75 (paper)
Y. Georg LITHMAN, Rick R. RIEWE, Raymond E. WIEST and Robert E. WRIGLEY (Eds), People and Land in Northern Manitoba, University of Manitoba Anthropology Papers 32, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, Department of Anthropology, 1992; 270 pages (paper) / Rick RIEWE and Jill OAKES (Eds), Human Ecology: Issues in the North, Occasional Publication Series No. 30, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1992; 135 pages (paper)
Elizabeth FURNISS, Victims of Benevolence: Discipline And Death At The Williams Lake Indian Residential School, 1891 - 1920, Williams Lake, B.C.: Cariboo Tribal Council, 1992; 53 pages / Joy MANNETTE (ed), Elusive Justice: Beyond the Marshall Inquiry, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1992; 108 pages
Peter CARSTENS, with foreword by Chief Murray ALEXIS, The Queen’s People: A Study of Hegemony, Coercion, and Accommodation among the Okanagan of Canada, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. 333 pages, $22.95 (paper), $55.00 (cloth)
Brian HAYDEN (Ed), A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau: Traditional Stl’atl’imx Resource Use, Vancouver: UBC Press, 1992; 584 pages, $70 (cloth)
Satya SHARMA, Alexander M. ERVIN, and Deirdre MEINTEL (eds), Immigrants and Refugees in Canada: A National Perspective on Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, and Montréal: University of Montréal, 1991; 316 pages. $20.00 (paper)
Mathias G. GUENTHER, Bushman Folktales (Studien Zur Kulturkunde, Band 93), Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Stuttgart, 1989
Noël DYCK, What is the Indian ’Problem’: Tutelage and Resistance in Canadian Indian Administration. Social and Economic Studies No. 46, Memorial University, St. John’s: Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1991, 208 p.
Takie Sugiyama LEBRA (édit.), Japanese Social Organization, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1992, XI+236 p., index
Ivan KARP, Christine Mullen KREAMER and Steven D. LEVINE (eds.). Museums and Communities, The Politics of Public Culture. Washington D.C. / London (Smithsonian Institution Press), 1992, 614 p.