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Schwimmer, Eric. "Michel IZARD and Pierre SMITH, eds., Between Belief and Transgression: Structuralist Essays in Religion, History and Myth, translated by John Leavitt, with an introduction by James A. Boon, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1983. 288 pages, US $20.00 (paper)." Culture, volume 3, number 2, 1983, p. 87–89.
Schwimmer, E. (1983). Review of [Michel IZARD and Pierre SMITH, eds., Between Belief and Transgression: Structuralist Essays in Religion, History and Myth, translated by John Leavitt, with an introduction by James A. Boon, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1983. 288 pages, US $20.00 (paper)]. Culture, 3(2), 87–89.
- Chicago
Schwimmer, Eric "Michel IZARD and Pierre SMITH, eds., Between Belief and Transgression: Structuralist Essays in Religion, History and Myth, translated by John Leavitt, with an introduction by James A. Boon, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1983. 288 pages, US $20.00 (paper)". Culture 3, no. 2 (1983) : 87–89.
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