The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures
Revue des cultures culinaires au Canada

Volume 9, Number 1, 2018 Food, Feminism, and Fermentation Guest-edited by Maya Hey and Alexandra Ketchum

Table of contents (9 articles)

  1. Editor’s Introduction / Introduction de l’équipe de rédaction
  2. Fermentation as Engagement: on more-than-human connections and materiality / La fermentation comme moyen d’engagement : les relations et la matérialité au-delà du monde humain

Research / Articles de fond

  1. Gender, Microbial Relations, and the Fermentation of Food
  2. Circulatory [food] systems: Icelandic bloodmaring, reproductive technologies, and the porosity of female agricultural bodies


  1. Extispicy in the Everyday: An Art Project-in-Progress

Say It Like You Eat It / Le Manger et Le Dire

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus critiques

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