Article body
As a chef,
I’m often asked
How to woo an errant appetite,
Peckish with some wound -
How to enliven a hunger that’s gone south,
When dreams are detoured
Leaving only doubt.
So I say,
Coax it with herbs,
Green and fresh -
Soothe it with lemon balm
Or uplift it with ginger -
Entice it with wine-red chilli
Pungent with deep heat.
Love it with vanilla beans
Familiar and sweet -
Cool it with mint,
Let it settle and heal
With lavender tea, roses, cinnamon and orange peel.
A lost appetite will wake up,
Once vital, it will indeed revive -
It simply has no other choice.
And in time what was quiet and still
Will once again rejoice.
But how to bring spirit to the plate
When the palate is empty?
Bereft of sentiment or even sunny chatter -
How to court an unsung heart
When dark moods have come to prey
When the inner pantry feels bare,
And tumbleweed blows
Through the spice shelf of life -
When the heart is caught not singing
What then?
Well, I say
The tonic is the same.
The ladle ever poised, still pertains -
Love that heart in great measure!
Don’t stint on the elixir,
Coax it with the breeze of the trees
Soothe it with kisses
Let it rise and breathe.
Don’t leave warmth to choice.
And in time,
What was quiet and still
Will once again rejoice
Biographical note
Marcy Goldman, IACP Julia Child Cookbook Award nominee is a master baker, professionally-trained pastry chef and host of She is the author of a book of poetry, Love and Ordinary Things, in addition to several best-selling cookbooks including The Baker’s Four Seasons, When Bakers Cook, A Passion for Baking, A Treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking and The Best of
© From Love and Ordinary Things 2014 Reproduced with permission.
Note biographique
Marcy Goldman, mise en nomination au concours Julia Child Cookbook de l’IACP, est maître boulangère, chef pâtissière formée par des professionnels et auteure du site Elle a écrit un recueil de poèmes, Love and Ordinary Things, en plus d’avoir écrit plusieurs autres ouvrages culinaires, notamment The Baker’s Four Seasons, When Bakers Cook, A Passion for Baking, A treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking et The Best of