Critical Education

Volume 15, Number 4, 2024

Table of contents (7 articles)


  1. Designing Curriculum for Critical Consciousness: A White Teacher’s Process
  2. “Maybe Tightening the Collar is the Way to Do It”: Naturalizing Oppression in Teacher Discourse on Student Learning
  3. Playing Around: Basketball Personhoods as Sites of Dialogue, Education Research, and Epistemic Disobedience
  4. “I just can’t say ‘Fuck it, and walk away’”: Classing Labor in Neoliberal Academia
  5. Literacies of the Heart and Antiracist Pedagogy
  6. The Body in the Classroom after Covid-19: An Exercise in Pedagogical Reflexivity
  7. Using Virtual Learning Labs to (Re)Mediate Exclusionary Discipline Practices for Young Children of Color with Disabilities


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