Critical Education

Volume 15, Number 2, 2024 Defending and Strengthening Public Education as a Common Good

Table of contents (10 articles)

Defending and Strengthening Public Education as a Common Good

  1. Defending and Strengthening Public Education as a Common Good: Toward Cross-Border Advocacy
  2. From GERM (Global Educational Reform Movement) to NERM (Neoliberal Educational Reform Madness)
  3. Anti-CRT Attacks, School Choice, and the Privatization Endgame
  4. “Data my ass”: Political rhizomes of power and the symbolic violence of neoliberal governance and privatization
  5. Is it a Choice? Examining Neoliberal Influences in Three Ontario Education Reforms
  6. Connecting the dots between extreme ideologies, "parent choice," and education privatization in Alberta and Canada
  7. Co-opting Equity: Advancing a Neoliberal Agenda in Manitoba Education Reforms
  8. Resisting the Heartbreak of Neoliberalism in Education Advocacy
  9. Exposing the Spectre: Resisting Neoliberal Education Reforms in Manitoba


  1. Unequal Benefits: Privatization and Public Education in Canada


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