Critical Education

Volume 13, Number 2, 2022

Table of contents (8 articles)


  1. Neoliberalism and Inclusive Education: A Critical Ethnographic Case Study of Inclusive Education at an Urban Charter School
  2. Docile Bodies in Chinese Schools: What Defines a Future Postmodern Education?
  3. Critical Quantitative Research: Foreclosing Criticality within Education

Contemporary Educator Movements: Transforming Unions, Schools, and Society

  1. Introduction. Understanding the 2018 Statewide Walkouts Contemporary Educator Movements: Transforming Unions, Schools and Society in North America (Part 2): Understanding the 2018 Statewide Walkouts
  2. Online and on the picket line: West Virginia teachers’ use of an online community to organize
  3. Beyond Defeat: Understanding Educators’ Experiences in the 2018 Oklahoma Walkouts
  4. Rural Organizing, Institutionalization, and “Getting Back”: An Interview with #RedForEd Organizer Vanessa Arredondo
  5. A Red State Counternarrative: Review of Eric Blanc’s Red State Revolt / Blanc, E. (2019). Red state revolt: The teachers’ strike wave and working-class politics. Verso


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