Canadian Medical Education Journal
Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale

Volume 12, Number 4, 2021

Table of contents (24 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

Major Contributions / Contributions importantes

  1. A qualitative study of patients’ and caregivers’ perspectives on educating healthcare providers
  2. Examining the accuracy of residents’ self-assessments and faculty assessment behaviours in anesthesiology
  3. Motor vehicle incidents in postgraduate trainees in British Columbia
  4. Not wanted on the voyage: highlighting intrinsic CanMEDS gaps in Competence by Design curricula
  5. Developing a dashboard for faculty development in competency-based training programs: a design-based research project

Brief Reports / Communications brèves

  1. Comparison of perceived educational value of an in-person versus virtual medical conference
  2. Community organization feedback about an undergraduate medical education service learning program
  3. Impact of accreditation on Caribbean medical schools’ processes
  4. Criteria for selection to anesthesia residency programs: a survey of Canadian anesthesia program directors

Review Papers and Meta-Analyses / Articles de synthèse et Méta-analyses

  1. Impact of physical therapy and occupational therapy student placements on productivity: a scoping review

Black Ice / Terrain glissant

  1. Six ways to get a grip by calling-out racism and enacting allyship in medical education
  2. Program foundations and beginning of concerns (part 1 of 3). When residents shouldn’t become clinicians: getting a grip on fair and defensible processes for termination of training
  3. Formal remediation and probation (part 2 of 3). When residents shouldn’t become clinicians: getting a grip on fair and defensible processes for termination of training
  4. The appeal process and beyond (part 3 of 3). When residents shouldn’t become clinicians: getting a grip on fair and defensible processes for termination of training

Canadiana / Canadiana

  1. When a Canadian is not a Canadian: marginalization of IMGs in the CaRMS match

You Should Try This / Essayez ceci

  1. Video in situ simulation for medical student education during the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. Hybrid-virtual simulations for Canadian medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Evaluating and implementing an opportunity for diversity and inclusion in case-based learning
  4. The “virtual OR:” creation of a surgical video-based gynaecologic surgery teaching session to improve medical student orientation and supplement surgical learning during COVID-19

Works-in-Progress / Travaux en cours

Images / Images



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