Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Revue canadienne en administration et politique de l’éducation

Number 204, 2024

Table of contents (13 articles)


  1. Educational Politics and Policy Change in Neoliberal Times: An Argumentative Discourse Analysis
  2. Flourishing School Leadership: Perspectives of Canada’s Outstanding Principals
  3. An Examination of Educational Leadership Preparation in Ontario: Are Principals Prepared to Lead Equitably?
  4. Impact of Teachers’ Professional Development on the Reading Achievement of Canadian Allophone Students
  5. Examining the Virtual Leadership of Leaders in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study
  6. Promising Practices for Leadership Development: Exploring a Collaborative Professional Learning and Coaching Program
  7. Academic Women’s Labour During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review and Thematic Analysis of the Literature
  8. Référentiels de compétences professionnelles de directions d’établissement d’enseignement et technologies numériques : une analyse documentaire, structurale et sémantique
  9. Les diplômés d’immersion française et leurs motivations liées au choix de la langue dans la poursuite des études postsecondaires

Book Reviews

  1. Leaping and Lurching into the 21st Century: A Review of Réal Fillion’s The Elective Mind Fillion, R. (2021). The elective mind: Philosophy and the undergraduate degree
  2. How the Daniels Case Aggravates the Métis’ Canada Problem A Review of: Kermoal, N., & Andersen, C. (Eds.) (2021). Daniels v. Canada: In and beyond the courts
  3. M’Lot, C., & Ferguson, K. A. (Eds.). (2022). Resurgence: Engaging with Indigenous narratives and cultural expressions in and beyond the classroom
  4. Sibbald, T., & Handford, V. (Eds.). (2022). The academic sabbatical: A voyage of discovery


Back issues of Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy / Revue canadienne en administration et politique de l’éducation