Canadian Journal of Education Revue canadienne de l'éducation
Managing editor(s): Sharon Hu (Managing Editor | Directrice de la publication) / Editor(s): Carole Fleuret (Editor (Francophone) | Rédactrice (francophone)), Jeannie Kerr (Co-Editor (Anglophone) | Coédactrice (anglophone)), Ee-Seul Yoon (Co-Editor (Anglophone) | Corédacteur (anglophone)), Adam Adler (Book Reviews Editor (Anglophone) | Responsable des recensions (anglophone)), Samira ElAtia (Book Reviews Editor (Francophone) | Responsable des recensions (francophone))
The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) is a national peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the membership of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. The CJE prioritizes research and scholarly writing that is of relevance to the Canadian education community. The journal is read by scholars worldwide, and aims to represent the valuable contributions that Canadian scholars in education continue to make to the field. The Journal accepts and publishes both French and English articles and book reviews. CJE on occasion also publishes international papers that shed light on shared issues and that include Canadian authors as references.
The CJE is a broad-based Journal that, from multiple perspectives, takes up issues that are critical to the education community. The CJE aims to be a forum for authors to share ideas and connect theory to practice in meaningful ways for the education community in Canada and beyond, including scholars, funding agencies, researchers, educators, practitioners, learning communities, policy makers, and the public. The CJE’s goal is to foster understanding and societal betterment through the publication of articles describing research-generated insights and solutions.
The Canadian Journal of Education has an H-index of 28, according to SCImago (2018). The CJE’s acceptance rate is approximately 20 percent. The CJE is indexed in Periodicals Index Online, EBSCO Education Source, Educational Research Abstracts, and PsycINFO.
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