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ALTMAN, Rick, A Theory of Narrative, New York, Columbia University Press, 2008, 377 p.

ARRIEN, Sophie-Jan et Jean-Pierre SIROIS-TRAHAN (dir.), Le montage des identités, Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008, 170 p.

BAETENS, Jan, La novellisation. Du film au roman, Bruxelles, Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2008, 237 p.

BANDA, Daniel et José MOURE (dir.), Le cinéma : naissance d’un art. 1895-1920, Paris, Flammarion, 2008, 534 p.

BENSMAÏA, Réda, et al., L’art sans sujet ?, Saint-Denis, Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2008, 168 p.

CHERCHI USAI, Paolo (dir.), The Griffith Project. Volume 12. Essays on D.W. Griffith, London/Pordenone, BFI/Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, 2008, 215 p.

CHERCHI USAI, Paolo et al. (dir.), Film Curatorship. Archives, Museums, and the Digital Marketplace, Wien, Synema Publikationen, 2008, 237 p.

CHERCHI USAI, Paolo, David Wark Griffith, Milano, Editrice Il Castoro, 2008, 549 p.

DE PAU, Daniela et Georgina TORELLO (dir.), Watching Pages, Reading Pictures: Cinema and Modern Literature in Italy, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, 430 p.

EISNER, Lotte H., The Haunted Screen: Expressionism in the German Cinema and the Influence of Max Reinhardt, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2008, 360 p.

FRATTA, Carla (dir.), Littérature et cinéma au Québec (1995-2005), Bologna, Edizioni Pendragon, 2008, 151 p.

GAUDREAULT, André, Cinéma et attraction. Pour une nouvelle histoire du cinématographe, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2008, 256 p.

GAUTHIER, Philippe, Le montage alterné avant Griffith. Le cas Pathé, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008, 148 p.

GRANGE, Marie-Françoise, L’autoportrait en cinéma, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008, 116 p.

GUIDO, Laurent, L’âge du rythme, Lausanne, Éditions Payot Lausanne, 2007, 544 p.

HABIB, André et Viva PACI (dir.), Chris Marker et l’imprimerie du regard, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008, 310 p.

KOBEL, Peter (dir.), Silent Movies. The Birth of Film and the Triumph of Movie Culture, New York, Little, Brown and Company, 2007, 301 p.

KOSZARSKI, Richard, Hollywood on the Hudson. Film and Television in New York from Griffith to Sarnoff, New Brunswick/London, Rutgers University Press, 2008, 577 p.

LOIPERDINGER, Martin (dir.), Travelling Cinema in Europe. Sources and Perspectives, Frankfurt am Main, Stroemfeld Verlag, 2008, 222 p.

LOMBARDI, Giovanna, Filoteo Alberini. L’inventore del cinema, Roma, Arduino Sacco Editore, 2008, 206 p.

MALTHÊTE, Jacques et Laurent MANNONI, L’oeuvre de Georges Méliès, Paris, Éditions de la Martinière, 2008, 359 p.

MAULE, Rosanna, Beyond Auteurism: New Directions in Authorial Film Practices in France, Italy, and Spain since the 1980s, Bristol, Intellect Books, 2008.

McCLEAN, Shilo T., Digital Storytelling. The Narrative Power of Visual Effects in Film, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2007, 312 p.

MENNEL, Barbara, Cities and Cinema, London/New York, Routledge, 2008, 245 p.

MOORE, Paul. S., Now Playing. Early Moviegoing and the Regulation of Fun, New York, State University of New York Press, 2008, 250 p.

POISSANT, Louise et Pierre TREMBLAY (dir.), Esthétique des arts médiatiques. PROLIFERATION des écrans/of Screens, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2008, 436 p.

SPEHR, Paul, The Man Who Made Movies: W.K.L. Dickson, New Barnet/Herts, John Libbey Publishing, 2008, 706 p.

WITHALL, Keith, Early and Silent Cinema. A Teacher’s Guide, Leighton Buzzard, Auteur Publishing, 2007, 173 p.